About SVEN

Sven Doehner, PhD, MFA, is a 72 year old Psychoanalyst trained in C.G. Jung´s Analytical Psychology, with James Hillman in Archetypal Psychology, as a Somatic Movement Educator, and as a Transpersonal therapist. His exploration, involvement and experience with native Ancestral Healing and Spiritual practices – begun in 1984 – is blended into his therapeutic work with others, as is his expertise in working with the Voice: “The Listening Voice”. in which he guides into discovering the vocal form of what is moving within them in a moment of particular tension. His intention is to dissolves knotts, opens space, and gives form to something new in order to restore, movement in the “being” of a person´s life. He calls this innovative proposal “The Sound Imagination”.

Since 1981 he has guided workshops, retreats and training programs having to do with personal and transpersonal exploration and self-discovery, in Mexico, Europe, Australia, Russia, and North, Central and South America.

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  • Tom Crockett, USA
    “I highly recommend the experience of a workshop with Sven, it’s transforming.”
    Tom Crockett, USA